Charlie's Angels

Continuity mistake: At the start of the film just as Drew Barrymore in disguise drops down into the boat you see her disconnect her parachute from the straps around her body. However in the next shot you can see that the straps are gone. She never had time to remove them. (00:04:50)

Continuity mistake: At the end of the movie you see Charlie walking down the beach, then looking back at presumably the Angels, at that time it's sunset. When it goes back to a shot of the Angels and Bosley, there's still a bright blue sky as if it were still the afternoon. (01:26:15)

Continuity mistake: In the start of the film Lucy Liu is jumping out of a helicopter with a black parachute rig on her back. In the next shot we see her tracking towards Drew Barrymore, notice the deployment system (BOC) in the bottom of her rig (blue plastic handle). In the next scene we are watching her from from the front and you can now see the deployment system has changed both colour to red and it is now "pull out" instead of BOC. (00:03:30)

Continuity mistake: In the scene where the girls are fighting the Creepy Thin Man, there is one shot where Dylan and Alex are about to kick him in the chest together. They start the kick both standing on their left legs and kicking with their rights, but when the kick connects to The Creepy Thin Man's chest, Alex is now standing on her right leg and kicking with her left. (00:25:27)

Charlie's Angels mistake picture

Continuity mistake: As Lucy Liu is climbing up to the place Bosley has been kidnapped and brought to she is wearing a back pack. The first shot of her it is just a knapsack, then she has a large collapsible bow and arrow, far too large to fit in the pack. Where was it before? (01:07:50)

Continuity mistake: When Cameron Diaz throws the muffin at the door, it is sitting up normally and in the door fully. However, when Bill Murray enters, the muffin is only half way in and on an angle. (00:12:00)

Charlie's Angels mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene on the plane at the beginning, just before the bomber speaks, a stewardess passes in front of the camera. It's obviously to cover a cut - after she's passed, the amount of sun visible on the seats changes, the two women behind are closer to the camera, and the nun's looking the other way. (00:02:15)

Jon Sandys

Continuity mistake: When the Angels are driving in the tunnel, before they make a U turn they stop the car and cause a terrible traffic jam behind them. When the car has turned around, camera changes angles and the lane that was jammed with cars is now completely empty. (01:06:30)


Continuity mistake: When the Angels are describing how to break into the computer vault, they show the first guy putting his left hand up to the reader to gain entry. When Dylan (Drew's character) puts her hand up later on to gain entry when they're actually breaking in, it's also her left hand. But when they lift the prints from the beer bottle in the restaurant, he clearly lifts the bottle with his right hand, takes a drink, then puts the bottle down, never touching it with his left. This same mistake is repeated when they show Dylan looking at the fake hand being created and lifting up out of the goo - it's a right hand that pops up (even though Dylan correctly flexes and looks at her left hand as she admires her work). (00:34:50)

Continuity mistake: At the race track, when Dylan jumps into the chauffeur's car, she says, "It's hot out there". A couple of scenes later, we see Creepy Thin Man rubbing a piece of Dylan's hair on his face, and breathing heavily. Look closely, and you can see fog coming out of his mouth. As we all know, that only happens when it's cold. (00:29:55 - 00:31:35)

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Drew Barrymore takes off her LL Cool J mask, you can see he had dark brown eyes before she takes the mask off. After she takes off the mask and flips her hair, her eyes are green. She obviously would have had to have worn dark brown contact lenses with the disguise, but there's no shot of her removing them. (00:05:00)

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Alex is massaging Corwin, as she runs to jump on his back, she is running alongside him and then she jumps. It then cuts to her just jumping on his back.

Continuity mistake: How did all three Angels manage to get blown through Alex's grey car's window? Not only did Natalie park her red car in front of the grey car, but her car disappears totally before they are all blown backwards by the building explosion into the grey one. (01:00:47)

Charlie's Angels mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the party scene, when Bosley is talking to the president of Red star he is offered blowfish (1 in sixty chance of death etc.) when the dish is first brought out there is nothing on it - but when Bosley takes one he pulls saran wrap off of the dish. (00:19:25)

Continuity mistake: Drew's car is parked at an angle when she looks back at Chad before jumping in the car, but then when skidding out she's straight as an arrow. (00:08:05)

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Alex spots the Thin Man for the first time, we see Dylan wearing opened toe heels. As soon as they are in the stairwell, they seem to become boots. I don't know about you but I can't change my shoes while running. (00:22:52)

Continuity mistake: In the party scene, Tim Curry and Bill Murray are talking and a waitress comes up to them. In the first shot she is in front of them both and in the next she is suddenly behind Tim. (00:19:25)

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Tom Green's character is giving the Angels a ride in the boat, look behind the boat and you will see that the "frothy" ocean water churned up by the propellers only goes back a very short distance. The boat was obviously sitting in one place (drifting, actually) for a period of time and only started moving immediately before they started filming. (01:04:05)

Continuity mistake: When they are driving in the Ferrari 360, if you look at the lanes, they are driving on the correct and oncoming lanes.

Revealing mistake: The caravan is shot-up with machine guns - so why are the bullet holes (the metal of the caravan's walls) bending outwards? (00:50:45)

More mistakes in Charlie's Angels

Pete: I'll get tickets.
Natalie: I love tickets!

More quotes from Charlie's Angels

Trivia: When Drew Barrymore is mostly naked and knocks on the window of a house, it is the same house that she lived in in the movie E.T., the Extra-Terrestrial.

More trivia for Charlie's Angels

Question: Does anyone know the story behind the "Creepy Thin Man?" Like why he likes to pull hair and smell it? Anything that helps me understand his character is appreciated.

Answer: This character gets a backstory in the sequel (Charlie's Angels Full Throttle). Supposedly he was a runaway from a circus, who found refuge at an orphanage. He didn't much like haircuts when he was little.


More questions & answers from Charlie's Angels

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