Charlie's Angels

Audio problem: In the sequence where Natalie is saving Bosley and calling Pete, listen carefully. When Bosley warns her that there are thugs behind her, he says Dylan instead of Natalie.

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Suggested correction: I just watched the movie...he says Natalie.

Audio problem: In the scene where Lucy is transferring appointments from Corwin's palm pilot, she says "I got a schedule." When she says this, you can see her reflection, and her mouth doesn't move when she says this. (00:16:40)

Revealing mistake: When the Angels are fighting the "Creepy Thin Man," right before Drew Barrymore lifts up Lucy Liu to spin her around and kick the thin man, to get Lucy's attention, Drew hollers out "Lucy!" even though Lucy Liu's character's name is "Alex." (00:26:20 - 00:27:25)

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Natalie: They don't call me balls out Natalie for nothing.

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Question: Does anyone know the story behind the "Creepy Thin Man?" Like why he likes to pull hair and smell it? Anything that helps me understand his character is appreciated.

Answer: This character gets a backstory in the sequel (Charlie's Angels Full Throttle). Supposedly he was a runaway from a circus, who found refuge at an orphanage. He didn't much like haircuts when he was little.


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