Center Stage

Other mistake: After Jody, Charlie, and Cooper take their last curtain call, the shot goes backstage. Sergei yells at Eva, "You! I'm gonna kill you!" presumably because she surprised him by taking Maureen's place. Eva responds, "I'm so sorry. I wanted to tell you." And they argue playfully and then hug. But it's been a long time [the entire length of Cooper's ballet] since their ballet finished. And we saw the backstage scenes immediately after Cooper's ballet and after the Italian Symphony ballet, and everyone had a chance to talk right then. And Eva and Sergei finished their ballet in each other's arms. So they should have had that whole conversation a long time earlier. Even if real ballet dancers wouldn't be permitted to talk after a performance, the dancers in this movie are shown speaking freely to one another backstage as soon as the curtain falls. (01:44:05)


Continuity mistake: In one scene when Cooper is choreographing the dance, his shirt is sweat-free. The next time you see him there's a big sweat stain on his shirt. (01:05:10)

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Jody: That class, I mean, how come I can't dance like that in my ABA class?
Cooper: Because ABA has a great big stick up its ass?

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Trivia: Maureen is said in the movie to be the best dancer at the school. However, you never really see her do anything spectacular. That is because Susan May Pratt is the only non-trained dancer in the movie.

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