The Cell

Plot hole: Peter goes into Carl's mind to save Catherine. When he's in there he sees the tank with the water nymph. On the tank are strange symbols which provide the FBI with the clue needed to find the latest victim. Makes sense so far. But, go back to the scene just after the FBI have captured the comatose killer and are looking in his basement. The FBI are looking at the contraption that the killer uses to suspend himself over the victim. On the contraption is the same symbol seen later on the water nymph's tank. Why didn't the FBI follow up the symbol then?

The Cell mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Peter is in Carl's mind with Catherine and is getting his intestines wrapped around the spit, the amount of his intestine on the spit keeps decreasing then increasing suddenly. (01:16:25)

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Carl Stargher: You can not kill me.

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