Alice in Wonderland

Factual error: The first shot of the calendar shows two days numbered as 20 and March ending on the 24th. In the following shot it's fixed.


Alice in Wonderland mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Alice shrinks after being huge in the forest, you can see both pieces of mushroom in her hands, untouched, although she has taken a bite out of both pieces. (00:36:40)


More mistakes in Alice in Wonderland

Alice: In my world, the books would be nothing but pictures.

More quotes from Alice in Wonderland

Trivia: This film has more songs and speaking characters than any other Disney film.

More trivia for Alice in Wonderland

Question: Does anyone know the name of the song Alice sings after she's walking through the forest and some creature is wiping away her path? She's crying when she sings it.

Answer: It is called 'Very Good Advice.'


More questions & answers from Alice in Wonderland

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