
Casablanca (1942)

45 mistakes

(6 votes)

Continuity mistake: When Major Strasser's plane is about to land the people stare at it, their heads are not moving. In the angle shot from behind they're moving from left to right following the plane's movement. Shot cuts back to the previous angle and their heads are motionless again.


Continuity mistake: When the movie starts a man is shot next to a poster. A girl next to an archway appears/ disappears randomly between shots.


Continuity mistake: Strassers' hands and arms constantly change positions when he talks to Rick: crossed, bent, hiding a notebook. (00:30:45)


Continuity mistake: When the roulette scene starts there is a man wearing a fez hat next to a guy, both giving their backs to the croupier. A shot later they've suddenly turned 180° around.


Continuity mistake: When the German officer slaps a French guy who insulted a woman, the French guy's head swaps between tilted or straight depending on the angle. (01:10:44)


Audio problem: Strasser arrives at Rick's and a woman is playing a guitar while the band behind plays all kinds of instruments, but just the piano is heard. It looks quite ridiculous. (01:09:29)


Continuity mistake: When Rick goes to see Ferrari at the Blue Parrot they shake hands and the people behind drastically change between shots.


Continuity mistake: When Ugarte escapes he turns around and shoots man by the door who falls backwards. From the immediate shot from behind the door the man is gone, and he's been replaced by a guard trying to exit through the door.


Continuity mistake: Rick and Renault walk inside the cafe to grab the 20,000 francs while the Italian and French officers discuss. A woman turns around and stares at them. A shot later she is facing forward.


Continuity mistake: Renault and Rick are watching the Lisbon airplane. Rick puts a cigarette in his mouth, unlit. From the angle shot from behind, the cigarette is gone, and smoke is coming from his hand below.


Continuity mistake: When Rick signs the check, note the word OK. The handwriting is completely different between the first and second shot (a ribbon-like streak appears next to the K in the second shot).


Continuity mistake: When Rick is about to sign the check, his left hand appears in the close-up shot, but disappears on the rest of the shots.


Revealing mistake: When Major Strasser's plane lands it is an obvious scale model, where the runway is neat and perfect. In the following aerial shot of a real runway it is filled with oil spills and squiggles of tar.


Captain Renault: Carl, see that Major Strasser gets a good table, one close to the ladies.
Carl: I have already given him the best, knowing he is German and would take it anyway.

More quotes from Casablanca

Trivia: At no point in the film does anyone say "Play it again, Sam".

More trivia for Casablanca

Question: Why does everyone stop and stare at the plane?

Answer: It's a bit complicated and subject to interpretation. They all look as soon as they hear the engines starting. For each one it signifies something different. Ilsa knows she must part with Rick, the man she loves, and stay with her husband, Victor, to support him and help with his work. For Rick, he knows he is losing Ilsa, by his own choice because he has chosen to stay behind to aid the war resistance and may not survive. Victor knows his wife Ilsa really loves Rick and he will be out of their lives, but she is staying with him out of duty.


Answer: Because the plane taking off meant that the people on board were on their way to Lisbon, and from there, America. Everyone is envious.

Captain Defenestrator

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