The Cable Guy

Audio problem: In the, "Midnight Express" Scene where Chip is talking to Steven on the phone, at one point Steven yells at the guards to arrest Chip because he was the one that framed him, after this Chip talks says on the phone quietly, "Hey Bernie, Hows that Sports Package" And Bernie gives him a thumbs up. Bernie was standing in the back of the room, without the phone and considering how quietly Chip said it there was no way that Bernie could have heard it. (01:09:40)

The Cable Guy mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the "Midnight Express" scene, Chip opens his shirt and presses his chest against the glass. The shot moves to Steven, and as we pan back to Chip, he is sitting, phone in hand, with his shirt buttoned. (01:09:05)

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Sam Sweet: [911 call being played.] Oh my God! Oh my God! My twin brother has been shot! I think it was an Asian gang or something... There was this guy, he looked Asian... And he was speaking another language, I'm pretty sure it was... Asian.

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Trivia: The guy who starts to read when the satellite signal is lost at the end of the movie is Kyle Gass, the other half of the band Tenacious D, of which Jack Black is also a member.

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Question: At the end of the movie, what does Chip mean when he says "Somebody has to kill the babysitter"?

Answer: Earlier in the movie during a flashback of the Cable Guy's childhood, when his Mom was going out she called the television "Mr. Babysitter". He means he's going to disrupt the television signal to give all the boys and girls whose parents use television as a babysitter a chance.


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