Bull Durham

Other mistake: Nuke is having a great game. Crash comes out BEFORE the first pitch to the next batter and instructs him to "throw the next one at the mascot." Nuke does. Crash tells the batter not to dig in because he doesn't now where it's going, etc. The next pitch is a strike (making the count 1-1), yet everyone cheers and Crash throws down to 3rd base like it was a strikeout and the batter walks away.

Other mistake: In the beginning of the movie, the catcher is in the dugout eating a hotdog in front of his manager. Pretty gutsy (or stupid) thing to do, since no manager would ever allow his players to eat something like that right before or during a game.

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Suggested correction: Defying a custom isn't a movie error. Also, considering that dietary restrictions for a Single-A ballclub in 1987 were likely far looser than today, it's possible the manager doesn't actually care.

Other mistake: Towards the end of the movie, when Nuke and his dad come to Annie's house, Nuke wants to sexually celebrate the loss. The phone rings, and Annie answers, but Nuke hangs it up. The phone rings again, and Annie answers again, saying "Yes, he's here." She hands Nuke the phone, and he says, "Hey Skip, what's up?" How did Nuke know it was Skip on the phone?

Factual error: In the opening game of the movie the announcers at the ball park are referring to the visiting team as the Peninsula White Sox. The team shown on the field is the Hagerstown Suns. (00:07:00)

Sierra Oscar

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Crash Davis: This son of a bitch is throwing a two-hit shutout. He's shaking me off. You believe that shit? Charlie, here comes the deuce. And when you speak of me, speak well.

More quotes from Bull Durham

Trivia: Because of the popularity of the film, the real Durham Bulls were able to move up to Class AAA, the highest tier of the Minor Leagues, in 1997.

More trivia for Bull Durham

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