Crutch: Hey, you're lucky you weren't alive during the Microsoft conflict. Hell, we were beating each other with our own severed limbs.
Sven: What do we do with this guy?
Brodski: I promised the professor that we take this guy alive. After you blow him all to hell, put one in his leg so we can tell the professor we tried.
Janessa: Why don't you just admit it? You want me.
Tsunaron: I couldn't be with a girl whose balls are bigger than mine.
Crutch: Lou, I swear, you mess with an engineer, you'll end up with a waste hose in your bunk.
Tsunaron: Are you ready?
Kay-Em 14: I was built ready, baby.
Geko: Let's smoke this fucker.
Janessa: Oh, this sucks on so many levels.
Dieter Perez: A box of DVDs is not a gold mine.
Answer: Jason wasn't deformed as a child. Jason was deformed at birth. His regeneration can't fix anything better then it already was, just to where it was to begin with, therefore since his face was always deformed it can't be fixed better than its deformed state. If half his head is blown up it will regenerate, but only as far as the deformed state.
oddy knocky