Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Visible crew/equipment: After the opening titles, Buffy and her friends are shown at the mall in an overhead shot and the boom mic casts a shadow on the floor.

Continuity mistake: When the vampire is on the hood of Pike's car, his head is just barely on the windshield. However, in the next shot from Pike's view, the vamp's head is covering the entire windshield. This happens several times. (00:39:35)

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Buffy: I can't believe I'm doing this. I can't believe I'm in a graveyard with a strange man hunting for vampires on a school night.

More quotes from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Trivia: Seth Green is one of only two people to appear in both the "Buffy" movie and the TV series. Although his big scene ended up on the cutting room floor, you can see him in vamp-face on the back of the movie box.

More trivia for Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Question: I've been wanting to finally watch the TV series, but I've never understood one thing... I know the movie is technically not 100% canonical with the series, but I've heard they later tried to connect it with the series with a comic-book adaptation. So should I watch the movie before the series? Or should I just go ahead and watch the series on its own, and treat the movie as an entirely separate "thing"? Or can it be done either way?

Answer: I'd say you treat them as 2 separate things. My personal opinion is that you should just watch the series and forget about the movie.


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