Breaking Away

Revealing mistake: Dave is racing with the Italians, and the Italian puts his pump in Dave's spokes. In the middle of the bike falling over, you see a horizontal beige object with duct tape on it for a couple of frames, where you should see Dave.


Continuity mistake: In the climactic race scene near the end, every time the camera cuts back to a long shot of the race, the lap number on the board goes up and down, rather than going up sequentially.

More mistakes in Breaking Away

Cyril: When you're 16 they call it Sweet 16 and when you're 18 you get to drink and and vote and see dirty movies. What the hell do you get to do when you're 19?
Mike: You leave home.
Cyril: My Dad said that Jesus never went further than 50 miles from his home.
Mike: Well, look what happened to him.

More quotes from Breaking Away

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