The Breakfast Club

Revealing mistake: When Vernon is mad about the door to the library being closed and is trying to find a way to keep it open, at the bottom of the door there is a door stopper that would be able to keep the door open. (00:16:00 - 00:19:00)

Shelby Spoto

Continuity mistake: After Molly Ringwald does her trick, she puts the lipstick away twice. It has a shot of her putting it away from the front and then another one from the back.

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John Bender: Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?

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Trivia: John Hughes, the director, originally wanted John Cusak to play Judd Nelson's bad boy role. He finally gave in when he realized that John didn't look "tough enough".

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Question: You can't have a gun in school, but you can put a guillotine in your locker?

Answer: It was a flare gun. I very much doubt that this is something that the faculty are aware of. Brian was obviously caught with the flare gun because it went off in his locker, whereas Bender has not been caught with the guillotine in his locker.


Answer: Well, a guillotine isn't something that goes off like a flare gun. Since teachers never check their students lockers, no-one knew that Bender had one in his.

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