Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2
Movie Quote Quiz

Teenager #3: Hey Elvira, I've got something you can suck the blood outta.
Kim: Oh yeah? Whip it out.

Jeff: We're all virgins on this bus.

Stephen: There was a Safeway a while back.
Jeff: That was in Burkittsville. I never shop in Burkittsville. I don't even piss there.

Jeff: The gene pool is a little shallow here. Dive in and you'll crack your skull open.

Continuity mistake: When the Wiccan girl and the guy writing the book were sitting at the table the guy knocks down the cup when he hits the table. In the next shot the cup is up again.

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Trivia: Rustin Parr shows up in the movie. In the general store there is a man on the floor "fixing" the fridge. He doesn't move in his scenes and seems dead. The only time he speaks is in Chapter 15 after Kim says "Excuse me" and he says "I'm finished now" Rustin Parr was said to have walked into a general store after killing the Burkittsville 7 and saying the same thing. Also "The Secret Confession of Rustin Parr" by DA Sterns shows a picture of Rustin Parr played by the same actor in the movie.

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Question: On the DVD (UK, not sure about anywhere else) there is a feature called 'the secret of esrever', which tells you to look for very subliminal hidden images in the film - I have looked so many times and there is still one I can't find - does anyone know where the 'water' one is? The only thing I can see is what looks like an owl's head made out of the trees in the scene where the woman is drowning a baby in the lake. If this is it how does it relate to the film? Also is there a message in the images? There are a few words but I can't make a sentence out of them.

Answer: In the scene where the baby is submerged in the water, watch the lower right-hand side of the screen. You'll see the shadow of a stickman emerge and come higher into the frame.

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