The Birds

Trivia: When we see the school children running away from the birds, they were actually running on a treadmill with Bodega Bay footage added in the background.

Trivia: There is no musical score for the movie.

Trivia: Although it lasts for only several minutes on screen, the scene where Tippi Hendren is attacked by the birds in the bedroom took seven days to film.

Trivia: There is no then-usual "THE END" title card as Alfred Hitchcock wanted to imply that the terror would continue without end.

Trivia: When Mitch carries Melanie down the stairs after the attack of the birds in the bedroom, the woman you see is not Tippi Hendren but her stand-in. Hendren was in hospital suffering from exhaustion after filming the scene.

Trivia: Mitch's sister, Cathy Brenner, is played by a then very young Veronica Cartwright in her first horror role, who went on to star in other horrors, often alien-related: the 1978 remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers as the sole surviving human, Nancy, in Alien as the character of Lambert and play a recurring abductee character on the long running series, The X-Files.

Erik M.

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Suggested correction: Sorry, maybe I'm missing something, but how is this trivia? Actors and actresses star in multiple movies. The three mentioned are not related or even similar. I don't see how this is trivia.


I felt that it is trivia to know that this actress continued to stay active in the horror/thriller genre...different, important roles. Some of her fans might not have even recognized her starting out in The Birds.

Erik M.

This isn't a trivia about the movie itself though. Trivia about cast members is acceptable if their role reflects or references a previous work, but not future works. And simply listing a person's acting resume isn't trivia without it being relevant to the film itself. For example, if an actor from an original TV show or movie appears in the reboot, you can list that as trivia for the reboot, but it wouldn't be trivia for the original. Plus, the film "The Birds" isn't an alien-based horror film.


Continuity mistake: As everyone runs out of the restaurant, the bushes on the left of the building that were there before are gone. (01:26:10)


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Mother in Diner: Why are they doing this? Why are they doing this? They said when you got here, the whole thing started. Who are you? What are you? Where did you come from? I think you're the cause of all this. I think you're evil. Evil!

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Question: When the birds attack the town a gas station attendant is hit by a bird and drops the gas hose he is using to fill a car. The gasoline flows down the street and under a car; a man drops a match and lights the gas causing an explosion. Why didn't the gas pump shut off when the man dropped it?

michael g

Answer: The movie takes place in the 1960s, so presumably gas pumps worked a bit differently back then. This is also a small town and probably the gas station had not modernized. There may not have been automatic shut-offs, or if there was, it was faulty.


The automatic shut off is in the handle of the hose. When a person grips the handle they have to lift a levered switch to allow gas flow; the lever is spring loaded so that if it is released the gas will stop flowing. I have looked at older antique gas pumps and they are all the same; even the visible glass gravity flow ones. If that hose was dropped the the gas should have stopped flowing.

michael g

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