The Birds

Other mistake: When Mitch is in the car, after listening to the radio he switches it off and the subtitles read 'Clicks of radio', yet it should be 'Clicks off radio.' (01:49:50)


Other mistake: Annie is the only teacher in the town, and there is only one classroom with students, all who are around the ages of 10-12 years old, even though the schoolhouse she teaches at is a two-story, mid-sized building with multiple rooms. There are no administrators, staff, custodians, or other teachers and no students in lower and upper grades at all. Even when Annie and Melanie are evacuating the children during the crow attack, there is only the two women and Annie's students. There is no-one else.


Other mistake: In the close-up of Melanie holding Cathy Lydia starts to laugh as she tries to fend off all those birds. (00:55:30)


Other mistake: As Melanie and Mitch come back down from the hill the camera pans to Annie, you can see the stage lighting flickering on her sweater. (00:51:40)


Other mistake: In the pet shop doorway Melanie is mouthing something other than Mitch's license number (WJH 003) before she writes it down. (00:08:00)


Other mistake: In the long shot of Melanie just before she pulls into Bodega Bay there's a shadow of her car where it shouldn't be, moving from left to right about 100 feet in front of her just below the matte drawing of the background. (00:11:55)


Other mistake: It seems well established that the film takes place over a weekend. However, Melanie drives up on Friday, stays at Annie's apartment that night, goes to Cathy's party the next day, Saturday and stays at Mitch's that night. Nowhere in the movie is it implied that she stays another night and in fact she doesn't. Everything else in the movie after the attack at Mr. Faucet's farm takes place on Sunday and there would be no school in session when the children are attacked.

Other mistake: When Melanie is signing the card for Cathy on top of her car there is a brown paper bag underneath the card, she leaves it, when she drives out it's no longer there.

Continuity mistake: As everyone runs out of the restaurant, the bushes on the left of the building that were there before are gone. (01:26:10)


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Trivia: There is no musical score for the movie.

More trivia for The Birds

Question: What's making the birds go insane and attack people?

Answer: It is never explained, probably because it would ruin the mystery of the film to spell it out.

If you are a Hitchcock fan, you pay attention to dialogue. They mention quite often that it started Melanie's arrival, of which she brought 2 caged birds. The rest is implied.

Answer: None of the characters knew why the birds attacked, or the reason it was confined to the one town of Bodega Bay. The incident was so isolated that the outside news media was barely aware it was occurring or knew its severity, so there was no investigation into it at the time. Alfred Hitchc0ck's explanation was that the birds were rising up against humans to punish them for taking nature for granted.


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