The Birdcage

Plot hole: There's no way for Albert to show up at the front door as Val's mother the night the Keeleys are there, as the only way out of his bedroom (which he is still in by the time the Keeleys show up) is through the door that leads into the living room where the Keeleys, Val and Armand are.

Continuity mistake: Near the beginning, when Val tells Armand he is going to get married, Armand drinks his whole glass of white wine. But in the very next shot where Armand stands to get another glass of wine, you see that the glass is almost half full.

Continuity mistake: In the scene in which Armand and Albert are at the outdoor cafe, Armand is attempting to teach Albert to act straight. In the shot where Albert is trying to walk like John Wayne, the lady is watching him. She then looks back to her paper. However, when the shot changes, she is still looking at Albert and turns to her paper again.

Continuity mistake: As Armand serves the soup up to everyone, during the dinner scene, it has hard boiled eggs in it. The eggs in everyone's bowls in following shots change - some appear/disappear, some change position, etc.


Continuity mistake: Albert comes upstairs and says, "Where is he? Where's your little chippie?" When he does this, he throws something at Armand and a candle is blown out. In the next shot, the candle is re-lit.

Continuity mistake: When Albert and Armand are in the kitchen and they are discussing Val's interest in getting married, if you look at the glasses on the kitchen island, they change positions between shots. One of the glasses is more towards the right side even though everyone has already got their hands full. (00:23:00 - 00:24:00)


Continuity mistake: As the camera flies over the ocean and approaches the beach the white sedan changes into an SUV just as the camera is passing the street lamp. There are several other less obvious changes also going on at the same time but this one is the most obvious.

Albert: Don't give me that tone!
Armand: What tone?
Albert: That sarcastic contemptuous tone that means you know everything because you're a man, and I know nothing because I'm a woman.
Armand: You're not a woman.
Albert: Oh, you bastard!

More quotes from The Birdcage
More trivia for The Birdcage

Question: Val puts his finger to Armand's cheek or ear and wipes something red on the wallpaper. What is it?

Answer: Make-up - specifically, bronzing foundation.

Michael Albert

More questions & answers from The Birdcage

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