Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey

Continuity mistake: When Bill, Ted, Death and Station, come back from heaven you can see when Death, falls to the ground that he is wearing black sneakers. Up until this point in the movie, he had been barefoot.

Rollin Garcia Jr

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Death and Bill are playing Twister, Bill's left hand was on red and his right hand was on green. In the next shot when Death is putting his foot on blue, Bills hands are switched. In the same scene Bill's shoes are on the floor. After he wins they walk over to Death and his shoes are back on. He never had time between all the dialog to put them on.

Continuity mistake: When Death, falls to the ground when everyone gets back from heaven, when he's laying there his robe is covered in dirt from the desert ground. However, when he stands up and the scene cuts back and forth, there is no dirt on the front of his robe.

Rollin Garcia Jr

Continuity mistake: When Bill, Ted and Death are at the gates of heaven, they are all looking up to the gatekeeper, talking to him. Bill and Ted are in the foreground, with Death behind them. However, when we see a shot of them from behind, Death is in front of Bill and Ted.

Continuity mistake: If you watch the concert scenes, the audiences are all different because it was partially taped at Six Flags Magic Mountain and Culver City Studios. Hollywood (From G.L.O.W. Ladies Wrestling circa 1980's) was sitting in the front row on the viewer's right at the S.F.M.M. taping, and she's not there at the C.C.S. taping.

Continuity mistake: After getting the fake phone call from Joanna (evil Bill using her voice), Bill and Ted are sitting on the couch in their apartment. There's a knock on the door and Bill puts his hat on sideways. But when he opens the door, his hat is on backwards without adjusting it while walking to the door.

Continuity mistake: When Missy opens the book in the seance, she is holding a separate piece of paper on the pages of the book. The close up from behind, over her hand, shows no piece of paper. When the camera is in front of her, she is holding the paper again.

Continuity mistake: When Bill, Ted and their girlfriends are sitting at a table talking, Ted says "You probably noticed we haven't given you our gifts yet" with Pepsi cans visible on the table. After a close up of Bill then Ted, the camera goes back to a shot of all four sitting at the table, and the Pepsi cans have changed positions. (00:12:50)

Justin Davis

Continuity mistake: After the Evil Bill and Ted knock on the Good Bill and Ted's door, good Bill reaches out to shake Evil Bill's hand. The camera switches to a behind shot of Good Bill and he reaches his hand out again. (00:19:35)

Justin Davis

Other mistake: Just before the evil robots capture Bill and Ted's girlfriends, after they crash through the window, the girlfriends ask the robots: "Who are you?" and Bill goes "Well, I'm really Evil Ted!" and unzips himself and out pops Evil Ted, and the other robot goes, "And I'm really Evil Bill!" and out pops Evil Bill. When the robots are herding the girlfriends out just before knocking them out with their breath, you can see two sets of clothes in the bottom left corner if you watch closely.

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Trivia: The location where evil Bill and Ted try to kill Bill and Ted, a rock face, is the same rock face that James T Kirk is standing on in the Star Trek scene on TV seen earlier in the movie.

Jeff Walker

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Question: When the titles are running at the end, just after the headlines have stopped, the screen goes to black and the first title you see is "Taj Mahal". Obviously, I know what the Taj Mahal is, but why is it mentioned in the titles?

Answer: Taj Mahal is also the name of a blues singer who had a cameo role in the film (The Gatekeeper). He may have demanded a higher billing than the regular acting credits.


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