The Abyss
The Abyss mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: During Bud and Coffey's fight in the lab, we see a lightbulb swinging from side to side between the two men. If you look closely, you can see a hand (belonging to a third person) pushing the lightbulb. The only people in the room are Bud and Coffey. (01:44:16)

Visible crew/equipment: Watch the special edition version of the movie. During the scene when the crane is falling down on top of the sub, the camera is following people around the passages. When it comes to the end of a hall, and a hatch is shut in our face, we can see the shadow of the camera equipment in the door. (00:54:13)

Visible crew/equipment: During the scene where Bud and Lindsey are arguing about who will wear the scuba equipment back to the rig from their downed mini sub, a hand with a cloth wipes water off the camera. It's during the line when the camera is facing Bud and he says "Don't argue with me goddammit, just put it on." This is visible in the 4:3 version for TV, as well as the widescreen version on DVD.


Visible crew/equipment: The ship is moving underwater and explosions are going off left and right. The main female character says she is going to check the battery room. As she goes, the camera is in front of her, and its shadow, including a microphone antenna are on her.


Factual error: [Special Edition] The Statue of Liberty is incorrectly shown to be facing the Narrows bridge.

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Bud Brigman: The guy is on his own, he's cut off from his chain of command, he's showing signs of pressure-induced psychosis, and he has a nuclear weapon. So as a personal favour to me, could you put your tongue in neutral for a while?!

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Trivia: The dead sailor harbouring a live crab, spooking Jammer out of his wits in the sunk submarine, is director James Cameron's younger brother Mike. The scene had to be shot several times to get it right, forcing Mike to hold the live crabs in his mouth, until the cry for "action", before releasing them. At one point he had to crush one with his teeth, as it gave him quite a bit of grief. Brotherly love immortalized.

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Question: Is there any truth to the breathing fluid used in the high pressure suit? Is that a technology actually used and is it really possible to breath and survive like that?

Answer: The technology does exist, yes. Read for details.


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