Fright Night

Other mistake: Before the wolf changes back into Evil Ed you can see the black cables pulling the fake wolf across the carpet.

Leonard Hassen

Other mistake: When Jerry is in the nightclub starring at Amy you can see his reflection in one of the mirror columns of the dance floor. He is a vampire and shouldn't have a reflection. (01:02:51)

Other mistake: When Amy and Evil are at Peter Vincent's house to convince him to help Charlie, you see them looking into a horizontal mirror that's on the wall on the left side of the screen. If you actually look at the reflection, Evil is on Amy's right. However, he's on her left in reality.

Fright Night mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the beginning of the film where Charlie watches Dandridge and Cole move the coffin into their house, there is a close-up shot of Amy removing her blouse. The film then cuts to a close-up again of Charlie and in the background Amy's blouse is still on (probably only visible in the widescreen version of the film). (00:05:20)

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Evil Ed: Oh, you're so cool, Brewster.

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Trivia: This can only be seen for a brief second on the widescreen side of the DVD. In the scene where Dandridge follows Charlie and Amy in Club Radio, there is a man standing by a mirrored column, and Dandridge walks behind him, and for a second you can see Dandridge's shoulder reflected in the mirror. Vampires do not have reflections.

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Question: What exactly is Billy Cole supposed to be? We know he is not a vampire because it roams around in the daytime, and we see his reflection in Peter Vincent's mirror, but after he is shot in the head, he turns into some kind of creature. So what is he?


Chosen answer: I would assume a "thrall" basically a ghoul that is attached to the vampire. A ghoul in old lore was created when a vampire gave blood to a living person, but did not take their blood first. They were then their daytime slaves, doing errands, finding victims for them, and took care of the vampire's body when the sun was out.

Billy was to Jerry... what Renfield was to Dracula. Slave, daytime watcher.

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