Curran: What was that shit at the door?
Hawkins: Room service. (04:02:40)
Pilot: Lieutenant, you guys are incredible. Thank you.
Curran: There's no reason to thank us because we don't exist. You never saw us. This never happened.
Hawkins: One more thing: you're welcome.
Hawkins: For God's sake, be careful out there.
Ramos: If I were going to be careful, I'd have joined the Coast Guard.
Curran: This is starting to piss me off now cool out.
Hawkins: Oh I am cool. You should see me when I'm hot.
Curran: Hawkins... blow it.
Hawkins: Sorry, boss. I can't do that.
Ramos: Sounds like an order to me, Lieutenant.
Hawkins: Fuck his order.