Jeepers Creepers

Continuity mistake: About 10 minutes into the movie, when the truck is chasing the 2 college students in the car and starts ramming them, the bumper and the trunk is smashed in. The shot changes and shows the car's rear end and it is in perfect condition. This repeats at least 3 times.

Continuity mistake: When Darry falls down the pipe the ground is clear, and he walks about 10 steps to the body in the sheet. However the wrapped up body should have been at the bottom on the pipe, where the boy fell, unless the body was able to move 15 ft on its own.

Other mistake: When Darry is in the basement under the church, Darry is laying on the floor surrounded by a circle of sunlight appearing through the pipe. Then follows a series of cuts between Trish at the open end of the pipe, and Darry. Why do we not see a silhouette of Trish on the floor rather than a perfect circle of light?

Continuity mistake: The police station that they stop at is in a very out of the way rural community with only a few people in the jail. However, once the demon enters the jail and the alarm is sounded there are at least 20 cops on duty - all at the station in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere.

Revealing mistake: When the demon breaks into the jail and the cop is standing behind him. When the camera turns back on to the demon, if you look close you can see the zipper in the left hand side of the demon's suit. (01:08:45)

Plot hole: Near the end of the film, Trish, Darry and Jezelle have a problem trying to escape from the police station, due to the power being cut. But when the beast flies off with Darry, Trish is outside within seconds despite her starting from the second floor.

Factual error: When the kids are getting hit from behind by the truck, cut to a side shot of them in the car, the boy's body moves forward, while the girl's body is more properly propelled in a backward motion relative to the car. This happens several times.

Continuity mistake: When Darry and Trish are being followed by the police car back to the Church, the demon rips his hand through the police car roof and cuts the cops head off. Yet a few seconds later when we see the car from above the police car roof is in perfect condition.

Continuity mistake: When the college students pull into the gas station their right tail light is out, but when they are being followed by the cops the left tail light is out.

Continuity mistake: When the main characters visit the house of the old woman with the cats, she comes out and aims at the monster with a double-barrelled shotgun, and fires one shot. Then when she goes back into the house, two shots can be heard in quick succession. She must have re-loaded the empty barrel quickly...

Continuity mistake: There are at least two different 1960 Chevys used in this film. There is a noticeable difference in the front bumpers. Notice the front bumper area just below the headlights. The first car used has a plain straight bumper, the second one has little chrome trim riser mounted just below the center of the headlights. The second one first shows up at the cat lady's house. The lower tag pan also changes.


Visible crew/equipment: When the police are following the two kids to the old church, the first shot shows the kids driving but when the camera is slowly going to the cop car on the the door you can see equipment.

Continuity mistake: After the monster eats the cop's tongue, it's supposed to be the nighttime during the car scene, but the back window on the driver's side is rolled down and as the scenery goes by it is apparently broad daylight.

Plot hole: The whole point of Darry going down the pipe near the beginning was because he couldn't see the bottom of the pipe. However, Trish can make out his shock when he notices the body. Darry's flashlight is not providing the light in this scene as the light is coming from the tunnel. (00:21:05)


Other mistake: When the Demon has just ripped the tongue out of the police officers head, and he has eaten the tongue, when he is finished he puts the head in the back of his truck. Where on earth did his truck come from?

Revealing mistake: In the closeup of the demon monster you can see the contact in his eye.

Continuity mistake: After the demon crashes into Trish and Dari's car and drives them into the feild, it drives past on down the road. When it cuts to Trish and Dari getting out of the car, you can see behind them the demon driving past them AGAIN and going on down the road.

Other mistake: After the creature flies out the barred window with Darry, you see some bars missing from the earlier intact window, but where some of the bars are missing, there are intact bars surrounding it. The creature couldn't make a hole in two different places while flying out.


Continuity mistake: When they are in the dirt field one of them says, "Its getting dark." But in later scenes it is lighter and then it gets darker. This happens a few times.

Continuity mistake: When the car is skidding out of control, it comes to a stop, camera changes and it comes to a stop again having rotated another 180 degrees. (00:43:40)


More quotes from Jeepers Creepers

Trivia: Just something to spot - when the Creeper picks up the male police officer's head to eat the tongue, the slogan on the large billboard behind him reads "tastes so darn good!"

More trivia for Jeepers Creepers

Question: What did Jezelle mean at the police station about the creeper saying "I think it's eaten too many hearts for its own to ever stop."

Answer: Since the Creeper needs various body parts i.e. eyes to see, lungs to breathe, it would also need to eat the hearts of its victims for its own heart to keep beating. Or she could mean that the Creeper is essentially devoid of all emotions as it keeps attacking anybody that has the body parts that it needs to extend its own life.

More questions & answers from Jeepers Creepers

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