You Only Live Twice
You Only Live Twice mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Aki drives James to see Tiger and when she collects him from Osato Chemicals, her car changes from left hand to right hand drive as the camera follows them along.

You Only Live Twice mistake picture

Revealing mistake: The volcano erupting is an obvious composite of at least two images: an explosion on a mountain and lava flowing. The cut-out footage of the lava is blatantly evident for one can see the outline of the pasted film, which has a lighter colour than the mountain's.


You Only Live Twice mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Bond starts flying the Nelly there's a close-up of him where a thick white outline appears around revealing his body has been cut-out and pasted on the flying footage. Problem is... his arm was erased. One might think it's an optical illusion caused by the visor but you can actually see the mountain right where his arm is supposed to be.


You Only Live Twice mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Bond destroys the two helicopters there are two thin wires above running along the screen, seemingly where they hung the scale models from.


Continuity mistake: When Bond and Kissy jump into the ocean to avoid the poison gas in the cave, you can see Bond's skin through his shirt. When they come ashore on Blofeld's volcano island, Bond takes off his shirt to reveal a grey ninja outfit underneath, complete with huge rubber suction cups for his hands and knees. Where did he hide all that?

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Tiger Tanaka: I must say I am disappointed with the ease with which I could pull you in. The one thing my honourable mother taught me long ago was never to get into a car with a strange girl. But you, I'm afraid, will get into anything. With any girl.

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Trivia: German actress Karin Dor almost suffered decapitation by the helicopter rotors in the scene where she and the actor playing Osato meet Bond for the first time. Only an attentive crewman, who shouted a warning at her, prevented it.

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