Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Easter egg: On Disc 1 at the main menu, go to "Movie Theatre", then press down four times, It should highlight Benny's speedometer. Press enter to view the original theatrical trailer.


Who Framed Roger Rabbit mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the weasels are at Eddie's apartment and Roger is handcuffed to Eddie, Roger runs under the bed and drags Eddie on the floor. As he pulls him you can clearly see a board with wheels under Eddie that is pulling him under the bed. (00:38:50)

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R.K. Maroon: How much do you know about show business, Mr. Valiant?
Eddie Valiant: Only that there is no business like it, no business I know.
R.K. Maroon: Yeah. And there's no business more expensive. I'm 25 grand over budget on the latest Baby Herman cartoon. You've seen the rabbit blowing his lines. He can't keep his mind on his job. You know why?
Eddie Valiant: One too many refrigerators dropped on his head?
R.K. Maroon: Nah, he's a toon. You can drop anything you want on his head, he'll shake it off. But break his heart, goes to pieces just like you and me.

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Who Framed Roger Rabbit trivia picture Video

Trivia: When the taxi Jessica and Eddie are in hits the lamppost, she spins around and her dress shifts position. For a couple of frames on the laserdisc version her underwear vanishes, or at least it appears to. Opinion is divided as to whether it's a deliberate move by the animators or just an error in colouring. (https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/who-stripped-jessica-rabbit/). (00:18:15)

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Question: When Eddie is fighting Doom at the end he spots a box with a singing sword in it. He whips it out and sure enough, the sword starts singing. My question is, why would there even be a singing sword? Is this a reference to something else?

Carl Missouri

Answer: Valiant also shares his name with Arthurian comic strip hero Prince Valiant, who wields a singing sword, Flamberge.

Chosen answer: One of the legends of Excalibur says that the sword sang when Arthur pulled it from the stone. Bugs Bunny went on a quest for the singing sword in a cartoon once, so there's historical AND cartoon precedence for singing swords.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: It's likely just meant to be a nonsensical gag. Notice how Eddie and Doom both give the sword a questionable look, like they're also confused as to why such a thing even exists.

Answer: This is also a gag factory where such things like that would be made for cartoons.


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