Universal Soldier

Universal Soldier (1992)

3 suggested corrections

(2 votes)

Plot hole: At the gas station exploding scene, we see van Damme and the reporter getting in the car and drive off. Just after van Damme and the reporter drive off, we see Lundren get up from the rear seats to try to strangle van Damme. Why would Lundren be there when firstly, they had no idea van Damme took the chip out of his leg, and secondly, after realising they had been set up, they had n idea where van Damme or the reporter would be at that stage. (00:51:54 - 00:52:30)


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Suggested correction: He saw the vehicle they drove away from the motel in earlier. Once the building blew up and they knew it was a setup, waiting in their vehicle is a completely logical move. Them not noticing a 6'5 240lb man in the back is a lot more bizarre.

Other mistake: When Scott is pulling the other Unisols through the store and asks the kid where the freezer is, the kid is using a staple gun instead of a pricing gun like he should.

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Suggested correction: He's not pricing items. The kid is using the staple gun to re-seal a cardboard box. He is shown trying to close the lid and using the staple gun to seal the box when he encounters Scott.


Other mistake: Scott started juicing himself up with strength enhancers after getting his memory back. Luc only had one (that he lifted from Scott's vest during the final fight), and not even a very thick syringe either. With that one syringe, his strength equalled Scott's. How is that only one small dosage was enough to match Scott's several doses worth of strength enhancement?

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Suggested correction: The enhancement isn't permanent. Scott takes them when they wear off, to get back to the "enhanced" level.

Continuity mistake: In the hotel scene when Van Damme is crashing through walls to escape the other Universal Soldiers who are shooting from outside, one shot from the inside of the room shows him hitting the wall with his left shoulder, but when the camera goes into the next room to show him coming through that wall, he is breaking through with his right shoulder. (00:39:35)

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Scott: Say good night, asshole.
Luc: Good night, asshole.

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