Sailor: Boy, you usin' that oriental martial bullshit on me's gonna get real expensive.
Sailor: Man, I'm so far beyond that shit now. I get energy from the air. I talk to polar bears. I converse with paramecium. Man, I fuck nuclear waste.
Blaster: Most human problems can be solved by an appropriate charge of high explosives.
Sailor: You don't ever quit, boy. Not when it's for real.
Mrs. Wilkes: It's taken me ten years to get that damn war out of his head.
Rhodes: Oh yeah? Well it looks like it's still in there strong.
Johnson: Red wine and uppers... that's why we call him Sailor. He used to take a lot of red wine and uppers, and just sail away.
Charts: How come he wears that goddamned grenade around his neck?
Blaster: Sailor always said, that if life got too shitty, he'd just pull the pin and see what's next.