They Live

They Live (1988)

Ending / spoiler

(5 votes)

Nada (Roddy Piper) is killed but before dying he manages to destroy the transmitter dish that disguises the true appearance of the aliens and their disguised messages/propaganda. All the humans start to notice the real appearance of the aliens.


They Live mistake picture

Revealing mistake: During the big fight scene, you can tell easily that Frank is wearing knee pads (try looking when his pant leg is wet). Construction workers will often wear knee pads for work but most often they wear them on the outside of the pants to save the knees of their pants. (00:58:50)

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Nada: I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.

Movie Nut

More quotes from They Live
More trivia for They Live

Question: How does wearing the sunglasses allow the wearer to hear the speakers broadcasting the "sleep" command?

Answer: It affects the brain waves. Wearing those glasses disrupts the visual and audio signals.

More questions & answers from They Live

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