Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: The scene where Spencer throws the boomerang for the first time and misses the bikers they take off running. While they are running from the bikers, there is a shot right before the boomerang hits the bikers where you can see a camera man sitting in the bushes on the left side. You don't have to pause it, but can to see it better. (00:36:30)


Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When the girl is dragged by the motorcycle, she unties herself and starts to walk. A crew member can plainly be seen standing in the background. (01:35:00)

Factual error: In the 1996 sequence the kid is playing a PlayStation with DualShock controllers, those controllers weren't released until 1997.


Plot hole: Sea-Plane tells the group that he has tried twice to cross the canyon and complete the transportation level. It would have made no sense for him to be completing that level moving toward the jaguar if he didn't have the jewel needed to finish the game. Either he had been given a jewel and it was reset back and given to the new players or there could be more than one jewel in the game but he doesn't mention having his own jewel.

Continuity mistake: When Martha walks up on Spencer at the creek he says he's filling the canteens with water (he has one in each hand), then when they start talking about liking each other, the canteens have disappeared.


Continuity mistake: The father of Alex is wearing a red scarf in the shot where Spencer and fridge are in front of his house. From another angle when Bethany and her mom see them from the car he's not wearing the red scarf.

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Suggested correction: Mr Vreeke shows up speaking to Spencer without a scarf, when it shows him through Bethany's mom's car window, he is wearing one. It goes back to him and Spencer and the scarf is gone again.

Continuity mistake: At the end of the movie, Spencer is wearing a blue hood jacket when arriving at school. However, when they destroy the gaming unit and game with a bowling ball, Spencer is back in his yellow raincoat. Bethany and Fridge are also wearing different jackets, because outside Fridge is on a vest with a hoodie and a green shirt, and Bethany has on a blue jacket, but inside, Fridge just has on a hoodie and a numbered football shirt, and Bethany has on a multi colored jacket. Also, Spencer has on a black shirt outside, and a blue button down shirt inside. (01:48:00 - 01:50:00)

Cynthia Gurski

Continuity mistake: The rocket launcher pods are a bundle of PVC tubes on the prop but correct in CGI shots.

Continuity mistake: When Bethany is taking a selfie, there is a cup on the table to her left, which she adjusts. Throughout the entire sequence of the selfie scene, the handle of the cup can be seen to change directions several times, from pointing straight up (to the top of the screen from viewers perspective) to pointing to the left of the screen. This is noticeable in close up and far shots of the table, as well as overhead shots of the table. (00:04:35)

Continuity mistake: When Mouse Finbar returns from blowing up after eating cake, he lands in a pile of items at the bazaar. A book shelf falls on top of him and one side of the shelf falls off. In the next shot from a different angle the book shelf is in one piece. (00:49:20)


Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Martha approaches the men at the transportation shed, the stereo is visible on the bench on the right and its front is parallel to the side of the bench, but when it switches on for the dance fight, it is now at about a 30 degree angle, touching both sides of the bench. (01:10:30 - 01:12:00)


Continuity mistake: When they get to the bazaar, Bethany is hungry and grabs something to eat. She thinks it's bread, but it's cake. When Mouse Finbar takes a bite and realises its cake, as he talks to Bethany, the shots go back and forth and Finbar has a mouth full of food, then he doesn't, then he does, etc.


Continuity mistake: Bethany, (in Shelly Oberon's body) has brown hair, but in the scene they save Alex from dying, their hair is blonde, maybe longer.

Factual error: When Alex gets bitten by a mosquito (one of his weaknesses) and Bethany saves him. They venture off into the jungle to find the statue, so there was only 1 mosquito in the jungle? A jungle is full of mosquitos.


Continuity mistake: At the end when Bethany is walking with Spencer and Fridge, her hair is in front of her shoulder, then behind her shoulder, then in front again and when Spencer is talking to Martha face to face at the end, from scene to scene, his hair is different.


Continuity mistake: When Alex leads them to the tunnel, they keep the same line up - Martha, Betheny, Fridge, Spencer. When it comes time to walk across on the plank, now Bethany is at the end behind Spencer.


Other mistake: Towards the end of the movie when Spencer is riding the motorcycle to the top of the jaguar statue, he throws the grappling hook and swings on the rope. When Martha hands him the jewel as she falls, the rope he was swinging on disappears.


Continuity mistake: Towards the end when the group of 5 are getting ready to go down the lit path to return the jewel, Spencer tells Fridge to hand him the jewel, then when he starts the climb through the trees the jewel disappears. When he falls out of the tree and 'dies', then runs back to his friends, Alex asks if he has the jewel and he takes it out of his pocket, then the very next scene puts his hands on his hips and the jewel is gone again.


Continuity mistake: At the end of the movie when Alex sees his 4 'game' friends, he approaches them with his child in a car seat in his left hand. After he introduces his son and as he is talking to Bethany, the child in the car seat is in his right hand.


Continuity mistake: When the bad guys on the motor bikes are chasing the 4 players and they get to the cliff, the sun changes between shots.


More quotes from Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

Trivia: When the first production photos were released some months before the film came out, there was a great deal of backlash against the outfit worn by Karen Gillan "Ruby Roundhouse." Many people complained that her outfit (including short-shorts and a tight-fit crop-top) was impractical and only there to show off her body. Somewhat amusingly and ironically, that ended up being the whole point when the film was released - she's a video-game character, and her outfit is meant to be a joke on how female characters in games often wear overly revealing clothing even when it's completely nonsensical for them to do so. Gillan has defended the choice, stating "I think that when you look at that picture out of context, it is ridiculous, and that is sort of the point we were making with it."

More trivia for Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

Question: Is the villain Russel Van Pelt the son or nephew of the hunter Van Pelt from the first movie?

Answer: The Van Pelt seen in the sequel is a 're-imagined' version of Van Pelt due to the fact that Jumanji has evolved to become a video game, rather than a board game.

Same character, alternate universe.

More questions & answers from Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

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