Basic Instinct

Revealing mistake: Michael Douglas almost has a head-on collision with a bus as he chases Sharon Stone down the highway. If you look closely as he slams on his brakes, there are many skid marks in that exact same spot in the road from previous takes. (00:41:05)


Revealing mistake: When Michael Douglas pulls his car in front of Jonny Boz' house after the initial murder we hear him come to a screeching halt. If you look closely, perfect tire skid marks can be seen in the exact same spot on the road in front of his police car before it comes to a stop. (00:04:15)


Continuity mistake: During the infamous leg un-crossing scene when Sharon Stone is being interrogated, a cigarette in her hand disappears and then reappears.

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Gus: I thought you said he was a rock and roll star.
Lt. Walker: He was a retired rock and roll star.
Capt. Talcott: A civic-minded, very respectable rock and roll star.
Gus: What's that over there?
Nick: It looks like some civic-minded, very respectable cocaine to me, Gus.

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Question: Why did Catherine target Nick? I know he's a big douchebag, but that can't be the only reason right? Was it to get revenge against Beth for once and all for leaving her?

Answer: Because she's insane? And very ill. And dangerous. A pure bred psychopath. She got off screwing with him, his head. She has a degree in effing with you. Beth was just a bonus. Unlucky. Collateral damage. Unfortunate. Catherine was, is a clinical psychopath. She had no reason. Or it was fun for her. She was one twisted broad. An evil dame. (IMHO).

Alan Keddie

More questions & answers from Basic Instinct

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