Question: After the ship was turned from hitting the oil tanker and then they returned to the bridge, they saw the ship was going to hit land. Why didn't they just go down again and turn the ship out to sea?
Question: I've never understood why Annie was such a terrible driver in this film (driving test scene). She says in Speed that she had her licence revoked for speeding, which doesn't make her a bad driver, just fast. She managed to drive the bus fairly well.
Answer: Annie is a reckless driver. The way she drives during her test certainly fits with the description she gives in the first film of why her license was revoked. She only says "speeding" when asked why her license was revoked but excessive speeding and reckless driving go hand in hand. It is doubtful that anyone who has had their license revoked for speeding tickets would be an otherwise safe and responsible driver.
Not everyone that speeds is reckless. The driving scene in Speed 2 is excessively bad.
Answer: The ship has no way to stop or steer. By hitting land it would bring the ship to a stop (at a considerable cost) where as if they go out to sea, they would just continue to keep going until out of fuel or hit something they can't avoid and risk everyone drowning. A risk that is not present if they hit land.
Ssiscool ★