
Character mistake: Throughout the whole movie, Mary Anne has an e at the end, yet in the note her mother wrote to Tom, Anne has no e at the end. It even has an e at the end in the ending credits.

Character mistake: Mary Ann's mother's name is Janet. At the end when Tom is reading the note she wrote, she misspells her own name as Janent.

Continuity mistake: When Nick Cage picks his daughter up to stop her crying at the beginning of the movie, he rests her head on his right shoulder. But when he turns around to tell his wife that he loves her, her head is now resting on his left shoulder. (00:06:10)

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Photolab Assistant: This incredibly expensive machine has given us a picture of the back of a man's head.

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More trivia for 8mm

Question: How, exactly, does Max die? When Machine rips the tape off his mouth, does he fall forward onto a blade of some type?

Answer: Machine first rips off the tape then slits his throat with a knife he had hidden. If you put the movie in slow play, you will see what I mean.

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