
Continuity mistake: When Nicholas Cage is being escorted to fetch the roll of film from his car, there are a few scenes where the accountant is holding a gun to Nicholas's head. When the camera is directed at the accountant, two hands can be seen grasping the gun, but when the camera is facing Mr Cage, initially there are two hands but after the next switchback there only appears to be the one! (01:20:50)

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Tom Welles: Why would Christian want this? Why would he want a film of a... a little girl being butchered?
Daniel Longdale: Because he could.

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Question: How, exactly, does Max die? When Machine rips the tape off his mouth, does he fall forward onto a blade of some type?

Answer: Machine first rips off the tape then slits his throat with a knife he had hidden. If you put the movie in slow play, you will see what I mean.

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