South Pacific

Continuity mistake: When Luther Billis is parachuting out of the plane, he is seen with a pistol in his hands. Once he is in the rubber boat and starts paddling, however, the pistol has become a rifle.

Continuity mistake: When doing the "there is nothing like a dame" dance number on the beach, Ray Walston from cut to cut has his shirt either buttoned up or unbuttoned.

Continuity mistake: When Luther Billis is parachuting out of the plane, he is seen with a pistol in his hands. Once he is in the rubber boat and starts paddling, however, the pistol has become a rifle.

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Nellie: Mother says older men are better for a girl than young men.
Lt. Cable: This has been a discouraging day for me.

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Trivia: At the beginning of the movie, the Catalina pilot Buzz Adams, is none other than Tom Laughlin, better known as "Billy Jack".

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Question: Why was Bloody Mary's singing voice dubbed, given that Juanita Hall was a strong singer who had performed the role on Broadway?

Answer: Richard Rogers preferred the vocal performance of Muriel Smith who played the part in London. Since the vocal tracks for musicals was recorded separately from the filming back then, dubbing occurred for many reasons other than lack of singing ability of an actor, scheduling problems, budget, etc.


Answer: Richard Rodgers was just being Richard Rodgers. He allowed her to sing in 'Flower drum Song' on stage the following year, 1958/9, and allowed her to use her own voice in the film of 'Flower Drum Song' in 1961. He had his own demons then and was just reacting.

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