
Continuity mistake: When Whistler is driving the van, he hits the two cars and knocks out the driver's side headlight, yet right after this and through the rest of the film, the headlight works properly. (01:51:25)

Sneakers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Robert Redford tips the scrabble letters onto the glass table, he makes "SETE" and "CAST" next to it. To the right of "CAST", under his right hand, are the letters RNY, quite widely spaced. All other letters are tightly gathered above. When the angle changes to under the table, suddenly all the letters are spread fairly evenly around the table. (00:39:15)

Jon Sandys

Other mistake: Towards the end where they steal the chip, they are detected and about a million security guards are all running around, yet 30 seconds later, the only security guard is one man with a shotgun. What happened to their big army of security guards? (01:41:30 - 01:42:55)

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Carl: It's fascinating what fifty bucks will get you at the county recorder's office.
Martin Bishop: What have you got?
Carl: Playtronics Corporate Headquarters, the complete blueprints.
Martin Bishop: Not bad. Not bad, Carl.
Carl: Well, thanks.
Martin Bishop: Where'd you get the fifty bucks?
Carl: Took it from Mother's wallet.
Martin Bishop: Good.

More quotes from Sneakers

Trivia: Mother is also seen wearing a T-Shirt with the band "The Tragically Hip" on it. This is Dan Aykroyd's favorite band, and also the band he chose to play on the 1975 SNL show that he hosted.


More trivia for Sneakers

Question: At the bank, near the beginning, what was the security guard watching on the TV?

Answer: The film is Touch of Evil (1958), directed by Orson Welles. *SPOILER* Within the specific scene that the guard is watching, Quinlan (played by Welles) is holding a box with dynamite sticks inside, with Vargas (played by Charlton Heston) contending, "I looked in that box, just now, there wasn't anything there" (the box had been empty when Vargas was in the bathroom). This scene in Touch of Evil is foreshadowing the end with Cosmo in Sneakers (1992).

Super Grover

More questions & answers from Sneakers

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