Captain America: Civil War

Continuity mistake: Near the end of the movie, Rhodes' face is sweaty when he's sitting on the floor of the compound; but when Tony helps him up, the sweat is gone without Rhodes wiping his face.

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Suggested correction: He has a light glisten to his face. It reflects harder on the floor than when he rises (more sunlight). But, it's still the same.


Continuity mistake: As Captain America arrives in his car at the airport car park, he stops right next to the line dividing the spots. In the following shot, when he steps out, the car is further away from the line, more towards the center of the spot. (01:26:50)

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Iron Man: OK, anybody on our side hiding any shocking, or fantastic abilities they'd like to disclose, I'm open to suggestion.

More quotes from Captain America: Civil War

Trivia: When the film was first announced, it was jokingly called "Captain America: Serpent Society" before its actual title was revealed a few minutes later.


More trivia for Captain America: Civil War

Question: After Bucky explained about all the other Winter Soldiers, Sam says 'This would have been a lot easier a week ago' but what difference would it have made if it was a week ago?


Chosen answer: Because the U.N. has been preparing to pass the Sokovia Accords and they want to oversee the Avengers. A week earlier, the Avengers would not have had to seek permission to find the other Winter Soldiers (or wait while the oversight committee makes a decision). As a result of the U.N. Sanctions, Captain America and Sam Wilson have to go rogue in order to find the other soldiers. (Their actions of going rogue result in Iron Man and his team in hunting the rogue Avengers down, creating a "civil war").


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