Romancing the Stone

Audio problem: When Jack digs for the statue in the puddle, and he hits it, it makes a sound like iron against ceramics, but the bunny statue is wrapped in hay and cloth. The wrapping is so thick that the spade would not be able to touch the statue, so it would make no sound at all when he hit it with the spade.

Jacob La Cour

Audio problem: When the military asks Jack where the heart is, after he replies it's in a safe place, another guard uses his rifle to hit him in the groin - the hit is clearly fake.


Revealing mistake: When Michael Douglas attempts to swing on a vine over a deep abyss, the rock that he runs into on the other side moves like a marshmallow, indicating that it's a fake rock. (00:39:10)

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Jack Colton: One hell of a morning has turned into a bitch of a day.

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Trivia: The film was written by Diane Thomas. Thomas was a struggling waitress and actress, and had been working odd jobs to make ends meet when she wrote the script. While there is some dispute over how it happened, eventually the script made its way to actor Michael Douglas, who championed Thomas and helped get the movie made. The script was so well-liked, she ended up getting numerous offers, and at one point was even attached to help write one of the "Indiana Jones" sequels. Sadly, she was killed in a car accident only a year after this movie's release, and it remains the only film she was credited for writing.


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Question: Joan wilder is a successful author with a nice apartment and is financially well off. So why wouldn't she pay Jack the $500 he originally wanted for his help? Given her situation, I didn't think it was too much to ask.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: She's lost in Columbia and doesn't have access to money beyond what she has with her. She doesn't want to give him everything she has because she doesn't know when she'll be able to get more.

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