Back to the Future Part II

Continuity mistake: In the first movie at the dance, he plays the guitar quite horribly before his parents kiss. In this movie, there is a shot before they kiss and Marty is playing the guitar perfectly.


Back to the Future Part II mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Doc tells Marty, "Don't do anything, don't interact with anyone, and try not to look at anything," note Doc's red shirt design. Then it cuts to a shot of Marty as he says, "I don't get it, I thought you said this had something to do with my kids." The next shot facing Doc, as he says, "Look what happens to your son," his red shirt's design has changed, though it's the same style shirt. The same thing occurs with Doc's yellow shirt with the train design, but it's more subtle. (00:09:25)

Super Grover

Back to the Future Part II mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Old Biff drives into the garage with Young Biff in the passenger seat, Young Biff (body double) is not wearing a belt, but the belt reappears when they exit the car and Old Biff places the Sports Almanac in Young Biff's back pocket. Also, the Levi's small red tab is now missing from that pocket. (01:07:55 - 01:10:05)

Super Grover

Back to the Future Part II mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Marty realises that the almanac is not inside the dust jacket, a set light can be seen on the far right side of the screen. It can also be seen when he realises where Biff is. (01:21:08 - 01:21:45)


Back to the Future Part II mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the police car arrives in Hilldale, there are no door handles on the car, but in the next shot, some appear. (00:27:16)


Back to the Future Part II mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Marty hides in Biff's car as he walks over to it after leaving the auto shop, the left visor on the car is raised, but in the next shot, it is lowered. (01:05:53)


Continuity mistake: After George knocks out Biff, Biff has an obvious contusion and blood on the right side of his nose and mouth. As the hoverboard chase scene progresses over the next several minutes (particularly in the lighted tunnel), the contusion and blood repeatedly disappear and reappear on Biff's face from one camera cut to the next.

Charles Austin Miller

Continuity mistake: At the start of the movie Biff is waxing George's car in the driveway with his truck parked next to it. However it completely disappears and isn't seen again even though Doc appears and parks where Biff's truck was, and Biff doesn't leave the premises.


Factual error: When Biff and Marty discuss the Almanac in the Alternate 1985, a magazine is visible. This is the March 1989 issue of "Mustang." (00:57:05)

Continuity mistake: At the end of BTTF 1, when Doc tells Marty and Jennifer that they have to come back with him to 2015, while they are sitting in the DeLorean, the Doc says," ...where we're going we don't need (pause) roads," and as he says "roads" he puts his silver glasses on normally. But in the beginning of BTTF 2 in the same scene, when he says," ...where we're going we don't need (pause) roads, he swings his glasses on really fast with only one swish as he says "roads." (00:02:23)

Continuity mistake: When Marty is reading the letter from the Western Union man, he's standing with the letter in front of him at chest level. Switch to side camera angle and he is now bent over, holding the letter down to the car's headlight. Switch angle again and he's standing up again, with the letter back in front of him.


Continuity mistake: When Marty's on the hover board on the lake, watch the Clock tower's entrance behind him: Depending on if it's a wide, medium or side shot, the number of guards change from one to two, or one that runs away but suddenly appears back in place.


Continuity mistake: When Marty is playing his song on stage (during the part where he knocks over the speaker) the music playing is at a different stage to what it was in the first film. The music is now a few seconds ahead.

Back to the Future Part II mistake picture

Continuity mistake: We see Marty putting on his right Nike boot but not his left. The camera cuts from his feet to his face saying "power laces, all right" then back to his feet, now both boots are on. (00:07:45)

Paul Andrews

Back to the Future Part II mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the end of the first film when Marty leaves the garage to greet Jennifer, he does not have a watch on throughout the whole scene. In the identical scene at the beginning of this film, Marty is wearing a black watch.

Continuity mistake: When Biff and Marty fighting over the almanac while driving towards the tunnel, the almanac flies out of their hands and lands on the front windshield. Biff slowly reaches over the windshield blocking the center rearview mirror entirely with his right shoulder. Cut camera angle and the mirror is unblocked, showing Marty to the rear of the car, then a reaction shot of Biff seeing Marty in the mirror, all while he is still blocking the mirror with his shoulder.


Continuity mistake: When the DeLorean lands in Hilldale in 2015, just before it touches the ground look at the wheel nuts. They are in a plus sign position (around the black centre. However when the car lands the nuts have changed to a X shape position. The wheel nuts change to the X shape position from the plus shape in the next shot as the car lands.

Back to the Future Part II mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the beginning, when Marty is examining his truck in the garage, the left side of his shirt is tucked-in in the front, but in the first film, Marty's left shirt tail was hanging out. (00:00:36)

Marty: You're not going to believe this. We have to go back to 1955.
Doc: I don't believe it!

More quotes from Back to the Future Part II

Trivia: The reason that Marty McFly Jr. was arrested was because of stealing an unsubstantiated amount of money from the Hill Valley Payroll Substation.

More trivia for Back to the Future Part II

Answer: Yep, and there is, but they're both elsewhere. Doc's been committed to an asylum somewhere. When Marty first meets the alternate Biff, Biff tells him that he's supposed to be in Switzerland at boarding school - that's where the alternate Marty is.


Wouldn't someone probably see Doc and report that he escaped from the asylum?

Maybe, but no way to be sure, and they're not around long enough for that to be an issue anyway.

Jon Sandys

Answer: Doc would most likely not have been seen by anyone, as the time he spent in the alternate 1985 was primarily inside the DeLorean, at a boarded-up library, graveyard, and his lab (and all at night too) so most likely not spotted by the public.

Even if someone had seen Doc, it could've been dismissed as someone who looks like him. Even if they did report his escape, someone would either call or go to the asylum and verify Doc was still there.

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