Best comedy movie mistakes of 1990

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Home Alone picture Home Alone mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Kevin goes to the grocery, he buys Tide detergent. While walking home, the two bags break, but no Tide detergent falls out.

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Suggested correction: Maybe he returned it.

No chance, we see him buy it and then use it in a later scene.


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Ghost picture

Revealing mistake: When Carl is being dragged away by the demons, you can see the cable line that he's attached to. May be fixed on DVD.

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Back to the Future Part III picture

Factual error: Though extremely modest on today's standards, the dress worn by Clara to the hoedown shows far too much cleavage for the time. No schoolteacher would ever wear a dress like that in the 1880s.

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Pump up the Volume picture

Revealing mistake: Near the middle of the movie Samantha Mathis is walking across the high school campus. The name of the high school in the movie is "Hubert Humphrey High School, " but behind her, above the library door, a sign says "Saugus High School Library". Shows better in 4.3 aspect. (00:31:45)

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Pretty Woman picture Pretty Woman mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The morning after Vivian's first night at the hotel, room service brings breakfast. When she's eating a croissant it cuts to a shot of Edward, and when it cuts back to Vivian she's eating a pancake which goes from being half done, to being a whole pancake again. (00:30:55)

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Edward Scissorhands picture

Plot hole: At the end of the film, we see Edward carving ice sculptures in his mansion. How did he get the ice up there? First of all, it takes place in a warm climate and I didn't see a freezer up there in the castle. He couldn't have gotten ice from town because firstly he had scissors for hands and couldn't have gripped the ice. And, even if by some miracle he could, he wouldn't be able to buy any from town because everyone in town but Kim was convinced that Edward was dead, she told everyone that they killed each other. And Kim didn't bring it to him because she told her granddaughter in the end that she never saw him again after that night. So where did he get that ice?

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Arachnophobia picture

Revealing mistake: When the scientists inject the mouse with poison, they put it in a jar. The, after they place it down you can see someone's hand swap the jar for one containing a dead mouse. You can even hear it. (01:17:58)

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The Rookie picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Sarah is fighting with Garcia in her home, for a brief moment 2 crew members are seen, one in white shirt and beige pants (looks like director Clint Eastwood) and the other wearing a blue shirt and dark pants. (01:24:15)


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The Adventures of Ford Fairlane picture

Continuity mistake: When Ford and Jazz are at the Colleen Sutton party, Jazz is asked to keep an eye on Colleen. Collen spots her and put a CD down her dress with the black end facing downwards. When Ford is taking the CD up from her dress the black end is now facing upwards. (00:43:25 - 00:45:00)


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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles picture

Other mistake: In the music within the ending credits, the lyrics incorrectly state that Raph is the leader of the group when all Turtle fans past and present know it is Leo.

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Tremors picture

Revealing mistake: When the lawn mower the heroes send off as a diversion crashes you can see a wire pulling it. (01:01:30)

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Look Who's Talking Too picture

Continuity mistake: When Molly takes Mikey into work and he is under the desk, Rona is still wearing her shoe. Yet when the scene changes, her shoe is missing when Mikey starts tickling her foot. Then when the boss realises that Mikey is under the desk, her shoe is back on. When the shot changes again, her shoe is off.

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Mermaids picture

Factual error: Cher complains that Astroturf is going to ruin baseball. Mermaids is set in 1963 when Astroturf was still being developed under the name Chemigrass. It wasn't christened Astroturf until it made its world debut on the floor of the Houston Astrodome in 1966.

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Cry-Baby picture

Continuity mistake: When the Drapes are singing to Allison/Baldwin/Mrs. Vernon Williams, the song, "Gee, I Love that Girl" in the speeding cars, Hatchet-Face's gold earrings are on, then off, then on again. They are seen again in other scenes.

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More DuckTales: The Movie - Treasure of the Lost Lamp mistakes
Air America picture

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Mel Gibson and Robert Downey Jr. crash upside down in the jungle, the windshield of the helicopter breaks out. When they release their belts, the windshield is visibly taped back together for them to crash through.


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Three Men and a Little Lady picture

Continuity mistake: When the mother is putting icing on a cake she destroyed during baking, in the next shot she is shown walking over to Steve Guttenberg's animation table and the icing is gone from the cake.

More Three Men and a Little Lady mistakes
Another 48 Hrs. picture

Continuity mistake: At the end, when Jack shoots the main bad guy, he had already double-tapped somebody, but then shoots at least 5 more shots from a 6-shot revolver.

More Another 48 Hrs. mistakes
Nuns on the Run picture

Other mistake: When Casey's men are robbing the Triads, Abbott says "Don't move or you're dead." He then turns to his left, and while facing left, he shoots two of the red Mercedes' tires. However, he is standing directly behind the Mercedes, so it would be impossible for him to turn to his left and shoot two of the car's tires.


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