
Casus Belli - S6-E5

Plot hole: Later in the evening, after NYPD takes Quinn into custody, Carrie finds his cell phone, with pictures showing their home had been spied upon from across the street, as well as other evidence of a conspiracy. He had tried to hand her the phone right after the police broke in, but it was knocked from his hand and she discovered it under the smashed door. In the real world, Carrie's home would have been considered a crime scene and the police would have searched it thoroughly, top to bottom, undoubtedly finding the phone themselves, but are shown driving away after the confrontation.


Pilot - S1-E1

Plot hole: When Brody is flown back he is wearing his uniform, complete with medals and name. But he has been missing for 8 years! Where is that uniform coming from? Not from his wife, because she just heard from him. (00:04:00 - 00:10:00)

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Suggested correction: It would have been provided by the military, when he was cleaned up, debriefed and looked after immediately after his rescue. It's mentioned that he returns to the US via a base in Germany, I believe.

Homeland mistake picture

The Good Soldier - S1-E6

Factual error: Raceme's girlfriend Morgan is seen in a mugshot taken by Edinburgh Police, Scotland. They are known as Lothian and Borders Police, not as shown "Lothan and Boarders". (00:28:30)


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Chosen answer: Everyone else calls him Brody or Sgt. Brody, and it probably became habit to her.


Can't get the source but I read that even the Producer responded to that. Stating that it was common practise for a military wife living in a military complex as everybody refers to their husband by their last name.

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