Murdock: I wish I could just jump in the water and live like a fish.
B.A. Baracus: Shut up fool, you ain't no fish.
B.A. Baracus: I'm gonna kill that crazy Murdock.
Face: In no time, he'll be running around like a Mexican Jack Rabbit. One that just got out of therapy.
B.A. Baracus: They're closin'. They got us.
Hannibal: You never know.
B.A. Baracus: I do. We're almost out of gas.
Hannibal: Now, why did you pick a truck with no gas?
B.A. Baracus: 'Cause I liked the paint job.
B.A. Baracus: Shut up, fool.
Hannibal: B.A., there's an old saying - "The best defense is a good offense."
B.A. Baracus: You got that wrong, man. A good offense is the best defense.
Hannibal: Okay, have it your way.
B.A. Baracus: That's it. You're going into the water.
Diner owner: Would you like some coffee?
Face: Yes that'd be very nice.
Diner owner: How would you like it?
B.A. Baracus: In a cup, fool.
Answer: Several times, Face would pose as a doctor to get Murdock out of the Mental Hospital. How easy would it have been to convince airport officials that he was a doctor taking a sedated patient on board? Or simply tell them, this man is afraid of flying, so he had to be sedated. They could say, "Believe me, you don't want this man to be awake."