House, M.D.
House, M.D. mistake picture

Kids - S1-E19

Factual error: When House is looking over his whiteboard of symptoms for the swimming patient, the symptom "Intercranial Hemorrhage" is shown on the board. However, this is an error. The correct term is "Intracranial Hemorrhage." Anything inside the head is referred to as "intra" not "inter." This is a common mistake for laypeople, however the highly trained and knowledgeable Dr. House should not have made that error. (00:31:25)

House, M.D. mistake picture

Informed Consent - S3-E3

Continuity mistake: House is about to inject Ezra Powell (Joel Grey) with what is supposedly a lethal dose of morphine. In the shots where they pan out to show House addressing the room at large, the syringe is very full, almost completely. When they zoom in on House holding the syringe, it is only filled a fraction of that much - maybe a quarter to a third. This doesn't happen just once, but every time they switch between shots.

House, M.D. mistake picture

Paternity - S1-E2

Revealing mistake: In the opening scene during the game, one of the shots of the boy is reversed. You can see that the text "Tartans" on his jersey is mirror imaged. (00:00:25)

House, M.D. mistake picture

Kids - S1-E19

Continuity mistake: Foreman is doing a sonogram of Mary's brain. As she comes out of her absent seizure Foreman's probe jumps from the left side of Mary's head to her right.

House, M.D. mistake picture

Sports Medicine - S1-E12

Continuity mistake: During the scene where Dr. Chase and Dr. Cameron are out having a drink, Cameron picks up Dr. Foreman's cell phone. Before she does she takes a drink of her soda. This drink drops the level of drink to half full. When Foreman returns a few seconds later she suddenly has a glass that is 3/4 full. There was no time for anyone to give her a refill. (00:18:55)

House, M.D. trivia picture

Sports Medicine - S1-E12

Trivia: In this episode the director, Bryan Singer, makes a cameo as the director of the sports documentary Hank Wiggen is starring in.

House, M.D. mistake picture

Maternity - S1-E4

Continuity mistake: Right at the end, baby Maxine and her parents exit the elevator, probably on their way home. The lily bouquet, first held by the dad, jumps into the nurse's arm consecutive shots. (00:39:30)


House, M.D. mistake picture

Known Unknowns - S6-E6

Continuity mistake: Right after House has given the speech he and Wilson step outside and House removes his tie. After this his shirt collar changes between almost every shot, from being tucked in his jacket to being on the outside of it.


House, M.D. mistake picture

Poison - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: Max's mom, without her glasses, runs out to call the nurse after Max starts seizing. Her glasses appear when she re-enters the room. (00:28:20)


House, M.D. mistake picture

Lucky Thirteen - S5-E5

Continuity mistake: At the start of the episode, when 13's date falls off the bed, she knocks the bedside lamp onto the floor. As 13 runs to the bedroom, the lamp is laid on its side on the bedside cabinet. As 13 bends down to attend to her date, the lamp is back on the floor. (00:01:05)

Jeff Walker

House, M.D. mistake picture

Emancipation - S5-E8

Continuity mistake: At the very beginning, House walks in and puts his cane on the table on top of Thirteen's papers. She picks it up and moves it away, placing the bottom end on a stack of books. Cut to House and the cane is now flat on the table. (00:02:55)


Maternity - S1-E4

Factual error: House's team listed the potential offending organisms of the infection as "MRSA, H. Flu, VRE, and pseudomonas." House then suggests Vancomycin and Aztreonam. Vancomycin only covers gram (+) organisms and Aztreonam only covers gram (-) organisms. VRE is a gram (+) organism, thus it would not be covered by Aztreonam. VRE stands for vancomycin resistant enterococcus, thus it would not be covered by Vancomycin either. House's team therefore failed to cover for an offending organism that could have caused the infection during their initial differential. (00:09:10)

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Joy to the World - S5-E11

Trivia: This episode contains another reference to Sherlock Holmes. Wilson tells the (fictional) story of who had sent House a present. Wilson says it was one of House's first patients called Irena Adler. He then explains that House had feelings for the patient, but did not take it any further and therefore regards her as the 'woman who got away'. Irene Adler was an adversary who bettered Sherlock Holmes - the woman who got away. As it happens, the fist patient House treats in the pilot episode is called Rebecca Adler.

Jeff Walker

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Occam's Razor - S1-E3

Question: I apologize I guessed at the episode, it was the one which featured Brandon, the boy who had the pills mix up and had sex with his fiancée at the beginning. I'm a little confused as to the ending, what was the significance of the letters on the pills? Why did the two doctors make a big deal about it when Brandon told them about it? Why was House so pleased to find those two pills in the inventory? It seemed like a sudden end to me.

Answer: You have the right episode. The big deal at the end about the letters on the pills was to show that Brandon had the wrong pills all along. House was smiling because he was right.


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