Mr. Bean

Mr. Bean (1989)

83 mistakes

(9 votes)

Starring: Rowan Atkinson

Genres: Comedy, Family

Goodnight, Mr. Bean - S1-E18

Other mistake: When calling their next patient, the nurses look at the small screen to find out what number is next. After Mr. Bean has rotated the device, however, a nurse calls number 92 before the screen displays the 9. (00:06:22)

The Library - S1-E3

Revealing mistake: In the extra 'Library' scene, the book that Bean is given already has the loose pages before he has been at them with the knife. (At one point the pages get pushed forward a little bit, meaning that they're not fastened into the book.)

Hair By Mr. Bean of London - S1-E19

Continuity mistake: When Mr Bean talks to his teddy bear before leaving his car, he says he'll be back in about an hour, at around 3. This would mean he's leaving the car at 2. But later, he arrives for the start of the pet show, which the blackboard states was due to start at 1.


Mr. Bean mistake picture

Mr. Bean - S1-E1

Visible crew/equipment: Before the church scene, Mr. Bean drives into the car-park and knocks the blue car off the road. Look at the car closest to the camera, as Mr. Bean reverses, you can see a person and a crane above him reflected in the window. Also, in the blue car's window closest to the camera, you can see dolly tracks. (00:14:15)

The Trouble With Mr. Bean - S1-E8

Revealing mistake: Near the beginning, when Bean is asleep, we see him put his toe over the hose to prevent the water from spraying out - however, if you watch closely, the water flow stops moments before his toe comes into contact with the hose.

Mr. Bean mistake picture

Mr. Bean - S1-E1

Visible crew/equipment: When Mr Bean parks his car outside the examination hall, as he reverses into his spot, you can see a group of plain-clothed crew members pushing the camera reflected in the car nearest to the camera. More noticeable as the camera is actually moving. (00:00:35)

Neil Jones

Tee Off, Mr. Bean - S1-E17

Audio problem: When Mr. Bean is on the bus and is trying to retrieve the golf ball, he is hitting the ankles of the passengers. When he hits the ankles of the last two women closest to the camera, they go "Ow" yet their mouths don't move. (00:17:15)

The Library - S1-E3

Revealing mistake: Just before Mr Bean rips a page out of his book, there is already a tear in it just before he actually tears it, which is not visible in any of the preceding shots.


The Curse Of Mr. Bean - S1-E4

Revealing mistake: When Irma screams at seeing Mr Bean with his jumper pulled over his head, all of the other cinema patrons jump with shock - except for the woman directly behind the two of them, on the right of the screen. She just grins and laughs, forgetting that her character shouldn't be in on the joke.


Mr. Bean mistake picture

The Library - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: Just when Mr. Bean's hiccups are over the guy sitting on the table with him takes his right hand up to the book and has his left lower arm on the table. But after Bean hiccups again he suddenly has his right hand down again and his left hand on his book.

Mr. Bean mistake picture

Hair By Mr. Bean of London - S1-E19

Continuity mistake: In the scene at the country fair, Mr Bean interrupts a boy doing the buzzer game. When Mr Bean is on his second go at this puzzle and stands up after unplugging the device, you can see the same boy come round a table behind Mr Bean. Cut to the next shot, the boy has disappeared from where he should be behind Mr Bean and can now be seen walking across the back of the hall.

Neil Jones

The Trouble With Mr. Bean - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: When Mr Bean is going round the roundabout putting his tie on, there is no traffic waiting in the overhead shots, yet all frontal shots of Bean show traffic waiting in the background.

The Curse Of Mr. Bean - S1-E4

Continuity mistake: When Mr Bean is trying to get out of the car park through the entrance, he uses a wheelie-bin to simulate a car to get the gate to open. After he's out and shifted the bin, he's blocked in by another car. We see a hand take the next ticket (presumably belonging to the driver of the incoming car) but the car pulling up in front of Mr Bean is so far away from the ticket machine its not possible for him to take it and drive into the car park in the short amount of time seen, plus we never see or hear anybody get out of the car to get the ticket.

Neil Jones

More trivia for Mr. Bean

Mr. Bean Goes To Town - S1-E6

Question: In the first act when Bean can only get a decent TV signal by sitting in a certain part of the room, we can hear the soundtrack of a programme "on" Bean's TV. Does anybody know what programme Bean was trying to watch please?

Neil Jones

Answer: Don't think it was an actual programme; more likely just sounds they recorded themselves.

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