Plot hole: The Winslows' younger daughter, Judy, disappeared from the show in 1993 (halfway through the series' run) with no explanation.
Plot hole: The history on Urkel's Isetta is all wrong; in one episode he mentions that he paid $4 for a sunroof that he claims he bought used, however his uncle paid him $50 to take it away. In another, he claims his car has a speedometer that goes up to 30, but before it had a chalkboard. In "Hot Rods to Heck," the speedometer goes to 60 mph. The car would also screech, putter, sputter, smoke, break down, etc. but it seemed to be just fine in "Driving Carl Crazy," ''It's Beginning to Look a Lot like Urkel," and "Hot Rods to Heck."
Answer: It is said that as Steve Urkel became a more popular character on the show, Judy became less important to the storylines, plus either her or her parents were demanding more money, causing her to be removed from the show entirely.