Day 3: 3:00 P.M.-4:00 P.M. - S3-E3

Plot hole: In the scene when Jack and Nicole isolate the Singers, Jack is informed that they've been tested on site, and the results were negative for the virus, less than 15 minutes after being isolated. However, later in the day the results take several hours to be made available, and have to be processed elsewhere, in a lab. (00:17:45)


24 mistake picture

1:00 A.M.-2:00 A.M. - S1-E2

Visible crew/equipment: Jack Bauer and his boss are in a building at night with a shooter hidden somewhere. They open a door and look very carefully to the right and then to the left before going through the door. On the right side you can briefly see two crew members and as the camera pulls forward they back up some so they won't be seen. (00:23:50)

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[Jack and Tony are talking over a cellphone. Jack is trying to convince Tony not to kill Christopher Henderson.]
Jack: Tony! This won't bring back Michelle.
Tony: I know, but it will make me feel better.
Jack: Trust me, you won't.
Tony: Yeah, I probably won't. I'll let you know.

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Season 1 generally

Question: Was Nina recruited as a spy before she joined CTU or after? Also, as she wasn't working just for the Drazens, what was her primary mission?

Answer: According to Jack in season 5, Nina was "deep cover" before the pair ever met, so it's safe to assume she was recruited before she joined CTU. As for what her primary mission was, who knows? Perhaps it was to gather sensitive intel and pass it on to her superiors. Given that she worked for an intelligence agency, it's not a stretch. Or perhaps we may find out in season seven.

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