Pick-a-little, talk-a-little - S6-E4
Corrected entry: After Miranda and Paul have a successful dinner date, he abruptly ends the night and tells her he has to get home. Miranda finally gets Paul to admit the truth, and he informs her that he has diarrhea and goes running off in a hurry along the sidewalk towards home. But if Paul was in that much gastrointestinal distress that he has to end a date and rush home, why wouldn't he just go back inside the restaurant and use their bathroom? They are standing right outside the restaurant, and it would have been much faster and more convenient than having to wait until he got home. (00:19:25)
Correction: Paul was obviously embarrassed by having to answer "nature's call," no matter how urgent. It was an awkward situation, and this being their first date, he likely did not want Miranda to know about his sudden need for a bathroom. Considering his predicament, he may have wanted to avoid using the restaurant's facilities under those circumstances.
raywest ★
This makes no sense. If the need was that bad, it's more important to find a nearbye restroom than worry about how your 'date' feels. There is no shame, guilt, or embarrassment in having to use a bathroom on a date. Many people do, and mention it out loud. It is irrational to risk extreme discomfort having to wait an extended period of time in those circumstances, rather than just go back inside the restaurant. He could have waited until his date left to do so, if necessary. But it's not a big deal to just go back inside.
It was obviously a big deal for Paul. I have a friend whose son-in-law will not use a public restroom under any circumstances. Some people have what's called a "bashful kidney" and can only relieve themselves at home. Apparently, Paul is an extreme case.
raywest ★