The Sandman

The Sandman (2022)

Episode list - season 1

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All season 1 mistakesMistakes
Show generally0
1Sleep of the Just1
2Imperfect Hosts0
3Dream a Little Dream of Me0
4A Hope in Hell1
6The Sound of Her Wings0
7The Doll's House0
8Playing House0
10Lost Hearts0
11Dream of a Thousand Cats/Calliope0

Sleep of the Just - S1-E1

Plot hole: During Dream's imprisonment, Roderick Burgess eventually dies right in front of him. That means that at that moment, Death is there to take him away. Why doesn't Death - by far the most responsible and the most sympathetic of his family - see Dream, and let him out? It's completely against the order of all things that he is locked up there, so it's not as if Death can't interfere.

Spiny Norman

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