Question: Now that season 3 is out, has there been any updates about why Alara was written off, or why Halston Sage left the show, near the beginning of season 2? In 2019, she seemed to indicated her leaving wasn't her choice and it was what was best for the show. But, the fact that they replaced her character with another female Xelayan makes it seem like they weren't really making any changes. And with a 4th season unlikely, are there any rumors Sage will return in season 3?
Question: I get that this may be an involved answer! They say the 2D beings are likely unaware of their presence, "because the cross-section is so small." But surely that doesn't really matter - a 3D person could be sliced in half by a wire the thickness of a hair, and they'd still be killed, so doesn't that apply to 2D being as well? They'll be leaving a trail of destruction in their wake, cutting buildings in half, etc., and none of them seem to care.
Answer: The book "Flatland", which is mentioned in the show, is a real book that may answer your questions in full (it's the story of a 3-D being experiencing the 2-D world and the 1-D world). In the 2-D world, there is no height, so there's no way to slice anything in half (horizontally). A being living in the 2-D world sees any object or being as a line (it's messy, but the lines have thickness, just not height, but all thickness is the same). So if the Orville was seen, it would only be seen 2 dimensionally and be seen as a line and others beings could just move out of the way. While there were buildings in "Flatland", perhaps this world doesn't have any, or the Orville didn't bump into any. There is death in "Flatland" when a being isn't careful and is poked, but these are usually by lines and triangles and the Orville would more like the circles and not in danger of poking anything.
Answer: No official reason has been given. Halston Sage has only stated in an interview that leaving the show was not her choice. It is considered that her possible return is "open ended", and while there has been no official announcement, she did make a reappearance at the end of Season 2.
raywest ★