Quotes from Noah Wyle movies and TV shows - page 2 of 2

Simone Renoir: You did it, Flynn. You killed the vampire who made me. My soul can be at rest now. I can be at peace.
Flynn Carsen: Rest? What, you mean die? No, no, no, no, no. I already thought I lost you once. I'm not gonna go through that again.
Simone Renoir: It's all right, Flynn. I want this. I've lived long enough. I've made every day count.

Flynn Carsen: I think it only fair to warn you that I am a librarian.

Andrew: You here on business or pleasure?
Flynn Carsen: Pleasure.
Andrew: Well, then you in luck, 'cause pleasure is my business.

More The Librarian: The Curse of the Judas Chalice quotes

Steve Jobs: Are you a virgin?
Mike Markkula: Steve, come on.

Mike Markkula: Steve Wozniak's employee number one, you're number two.
Steve Jobs: Wait a minute. I'm employee number one. Woz?
Steve Wozniak: Doesn't matter to me.
Steve Jobs: I'm employee number one around here.
Mike Markkula: I'm not saying anything. I wasn't implying anything.
Steve Jobs: All right, then I'll be zero. Woz, you can be number one. I'll be zero. Okay?

Arlene: Steve, why do you care what I call the baby?
Steve Jobs: Because I don't want the baby named Rainbow! Or Orisha, or Ravi Shankar, or any other name like that.

John Sculley: Steve, I'm worried. About what's happening. All the "them versus us" stuff. Macintosh versus Apple II.
Steve Jobs: You don't understand, John. People need a cause.

Steve Jobs: We're better than you are! We have better stuff.
Bill Gates: You don't get it, Steve. That doesn't matter.

Steve Jobs: What is this? This is like doing business with a praying mantis. You get seduced, and then eaten alive afterwards?
Bill Gates: Get real, would ya? You and I are both like guys who had this rich neighbor - Xerox - who left the door open all the time. And you go sneakin' in to steal a TV set. Only when you get there, you realise that I got there first. I got the loot, Steve! And you're yellin'?"That's not fair. I wanted to try to steal it first." You're too late.

Steve Jobs: What's he talking about, the Altair? I never had a problem with the Altair - 'til I tried to use it.

Steve Jobs: Maybe in a past life I was a poet - or an artist.

Steve Jobs: You are putting poison into your body.
Steve Wozniak: That's french fries, man. You know, all-American food?
Steve Jobs: That's what I'm talking about.
Steve Wozniak: Come on, I can't eat like you do. Eatin' fruit all the time? That's weird.
Steve Jobs: It's not weird. It's pure.

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