
Question: What is that gun thing that is pushed into the guy's neck after he says "I thought this was a currency exchange?" Is the guy dead or just knocked out?

Answer: Knocked out. It was a hand held tranquilizer gun like most vets use on animals to put them to sleep.

Rollin Garcia Jr

Answer: I've always wondered this and I don't think you're going to find a good answer. I know everyone is saying it was a tranquilizer. But tranquilizers wear off and if one of those people they gave an injection to regained consciousness it could be a big problem for them. eg. The cops in the subway. That's why I think it was probably a fatal injection of something.

It's not a fatal injection. Remember, Simon says, "I'm a soldier, not a monster." And earlier, one of the henchmen yelled at Otto, "No shooting." Simon doesn't intend to kill anyone (though later he changes his mind when he's ready to blow up the ship). The only people who killed anyone were Otto, Katya, and McClane.

I'm pretty sure the bombing at the beginning of the movie killed people. Plus, the bomb in the subway would have killed a whole bunch of people. Saying Simon doesn't intend to kill anyone is quite naive.


My opinion is it was not a fatal injection. They seem to be strangling and killing the guards in that scene; they could have easily done the same to the manager as well. My thinking is Simon deemed there was no need to kill the manager, so he simply knocked him out and likely tied him up.


Question: Regarding the subway bomb, if McClain and Zeus had actually made it to the payphone in time, then what would Simon have done to make sure the bomb went off?

Answer: The bomb was going to get off anyway, it didn't depend on them not making it in time. I don't think Simon cared much if they had made it or not. If they did, the bomb would have blown up anyway, and the game he was playing with him would simply be over. He'd probably have McClane killed right after that, before he might figure out the hows and whys.


Question: Why did Zeus and John steal a Yugo to chase the dump trucks? Zeus abandoned the taxi outside the Federal Reserve (in fact you actually see the Yugo about 100 yards back from the taxi when the bomb explodes) wouldn't it have made sense to use that again considering it'd be faster?

Answer: The cab was probably out of gas. Or it had a flat tire or broken suspension, not unlikely. Could be a lot of things really seeing how John drove it.


Answer: If you look as they drive off in the Yugo, the cab had actually gone. It could've been moved as part of the cleanup operation or given that Zeus probably left it running in his hurry to get to the phone, stolen by someone.

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