White Lock

11th Sep 2010

Red Dragon (2002)

Corrected entry: True to the novel Hannibal persists in asking Graham, on his asylum visits, how he managed to catch him. However, the film's departure from the novel, i.e. the opening scene in Venice (presumably added in order to increase the role of Hannibal in this prequel to the hugely successful Silence of The Lambs), makes that a silly question. He was getting closer but Graham had no idea who was responsible for Hannibal's series of murders until he "confessed" it for himself with his knife attack on Graham. (00:34:00)


Correction: That's totally untrue. Graham was figuring it out looking at the diagrams and photos in Lecter's office and Lecter realized it, so he attacked him, hoping to murder him and keep him quiet. He just didn't know exactly what had tipped him off, so he persists in asking what mistake of his made Graham figure it out.

White Lock

Corrected entry: In the second scene, Cameron is in the office with Ms. Perky, there is a splattering on the window. However, when Cameron passes Patrick in the doorway, the window is clean.

Correction: It's not the same window. There are three different panels behind Mrs Perky, and the far left one is splattered. The middle and far right ones are the only ones visible again until the very end of the scene when Mrs Perky returns to her desk, when you can once again see the splattered left panel.

White Lock

Corrected entry: In the seen where Persephone stops the hell hounds from attacking Percy, Annabeth and Grover, she should not be there if the summer solstice was coming. She would be with her mother, Demeter, during spring and summer. (01:25:35)

Correction: She's not forced to leave in the summer, merely free to leave. With a possible war brewing, she can easily choose to stay where she is safe. If you continue reading the books, her mother even eventually joins her for safety reasons.

White Lock

If It's Only in Your Head - S5-E24

Corrected entry: After seeing Dave's disturbing tape at the airport, Mike gets up to leave and tells the lady sitting nearby, "Excuse me. That woman I was with, tell her I had to go; it's an emergency." Seconds later when Katherine returns with their drinks, the lady tells her, "Your friend asked me to tell you he had to leave. He said to say he's sorry." However, Mike never said anything to the lady about being sorry.


Correction: That's a character mistake, not a show mistake. Perhaps she felt bad that he didn't apologize and added it herself, or maybe she just wasn't listening.

White Lock

Corrected entry: When Bella and Jacob are driving to go ride their motorcycles, you can see a reflection of the trees moving in the car windows. By the reflection, the car should be moving backwards, since the trees are moving forwards.

Correction: Already submitted and corrected.

White Lock

Corrected entry: In the montage scenes where we see Bella's depression, when the camera is circling her, the camera man is shown in the mirror (twice) behind her.


Correction: We never see the camera man in either mirror. There are two items that can be mistaken for a person - the knob at the top of the stairwell seen through her door, and when the lamp jumps into focus as we revolve to fully see the mirror. The camera was on a track and moved without a "camera man."

White Lock

1st Oct 2009

Twilight (2008)

Corrected entry: In the baseball scene when Edward Cullen is in the field, the first hit goes far into the forest at an incredible velocity. Edwards gets the ball and throws it back. Carlisle takes a swing and the ball seems to fly at an equal speed (maybe even faster considered he's the oldest and strongest in the family). Edward and Emmett jumps up to catch the ball but collide midair and fall to the ground. When filming the two brothers on the ground, the ball for some reason drops only a few feet behind them. Not exactly coherent laws of physics.


Correction: Carlisle is not the strongest, Emmett is, and there's no guarantee he hit it at the same angle and rate that Edward did on his hit. Much like mortal baseball, just because the ball seems to be going as fast doesn't mean it is, and the angle, wind, etc, all affect how it travels. Edward and Emmett colliding has the ability in and of itself to change the atmosphere around them, changing the ball's velocity.

White Lock

23rd Jun 2009

The Proposal (2009)

Corrected entry: During the bedroom revelation scene, Margaret talks about her childhood memory taking disco lessons in "sixth grade". But in Canada, they call it grade six. During the confrontation scene with the immigration officer, Andrew passionately proclaims he and Margaret were dating for six months. Too bad earlier in the movie during the engagement announcement, Andrew said he had been dating her for a year and on the one year anniversary, he proposed after getting some of her hints; a bogus story, but the I.O. would ask the family to check the couple's story.

Correction: She could have picked up the phrase "sixth grade" during her time in the US, although it's also entirely possible that she referred to it as such in Canada as well (I have many Canadian friends who use "x grade" rather than "grade x.). And they never say it was their one-year anniversary with the proposal, they merely say it was on their anniversary. Many couples celebrate one-month anniversaries, six-month anniversaries, etc.

White Lock

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