Jacob La Cour

11th Jun 2013

Where Eagles Dare (1968)

Plot hole: How could Colonel Turner both be in London during the mission and in the pick-up plane? A Juncker can fly approx 220 km/h. It is approx. 1200 km from London to Southern Bavaria. That means that Colonel Turner would have had to leave London 5½ hours before the pick-up. The team does definitely not spend 5½ hours from the last time we see Colonel Turner in London until the pick-up.

Jacob La Cour

11th Jun 2013

Where Eagles Dare (1968)

Plot hole: When Smith and Shaffer take the gondola up to the castle, they step down on the roof of the car with heavy steps. It is completely unrealistic that the Germans inside did not hear them.

Jacob La Cour

11th Jun 2013

Where Eagles Dare (1968)

Plot hole: We never get an explanation why the three German spies in the British team are killing their team mates - and it doesn't really make any sense. They could just wait until they entered the Castle - and then ensure that they all got caught.

Jacob La Cour

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